Labels:crt screen | dialog box | hakham | monitor | reckoner | sky | web site | window OCR: Garrick McFarlane Sample Editor User Guide Macintosh snd Files The other method you can use t c store your sounds sadat i rffbbs contain less informati ion tkatekuuange files, and are less por table; they used on computers other than Apple Mafint iaple They are use ful becaust this the kind of file that the System Softwa re arseadto fove caaunasp snd files irbs tHE sui tcase to add them to the list of System sounds ava beeps and other appl icat ions To accessna files using the Sampile ErExppp .tand Impo -trommands on the Fil enu ChooErportto createnl file from the current docimemtt .ouse create Sample Edi tor document from sard exifsitlieng Page23 tadas ezuuaage tanple because Softwal caau urdop lications Sampise Brekpprtand Importrommands Filmenu ChooEgporto creatend ifsitling